3 Reasons why Unity is the top game engine choice for hyper casuals

If you have been been creating (or thinking about creating) hyper casual games on mobile, certainly you have noticed that Unity seems to be the engine of choice for most teams, big and small, to create such games.

We're going to explore below why this is the case.

Unity is Free

Definitely one of the most important reasons for its success - using Unity to create your game is free of charge, at least to start with and until you decide it is time to upgrade your account.

For most small teams and indie devs, being able to start testing their idea without having to spend any money on tools is a must-have. Later, once the game is done or near completion, and once discussions with publishers might become a reality (be sure to check here why this could be a great idea!) getting an advanced license for Unity can surely help scaling up the development with additional seats, and all other professional tools that the engine offers.

Unity is User-friendly

No matter how useful a tool can be, if no one is able to use it, right?

Unity is very visual-oriented, in opposition to some previous popular game engines. This means that not only programmers are able to navigate in it, but other team members as well such as artists and game designers.

By making all team members autonomous and more independent in their work results in a few different positive synergies, such as:

  • no need to constantly wait for developers to integrate new art or progression changes - the member responsible for these can do it alone, but also test and tweak it as needed;
  • by directly seeing the results of their work, but also exploring other options in the engine, allows them to further experiment with the project and potentially have great ideas that would not appear otherwise.

Unity is Widely Used

Ok, this is certainly a consequence from the two points above, but still something to keep in mind: as Unity is free and accessible, many developers choose it to create their games.

The direct benefits that come from this appear in the form of numerous tutorials that are available for beginners and advanced users alike (we selected in the past some that might be very helpful), a big community of developers that help each other out with tricky questions, and also plenty of external tools and resources that can be leveraged by everyone to speed up the development of their own game; make sure to check the Asset Store for free items!

Being so popular brings more people to use it, which benefits everyone in the process, and further increases its popularity!

Of course, this is only relevant to developers - end users don't know, and don't even care, about what engine has been used to develop the game they are enjoying. The most important is, in fact, the end experience and above all that the game is interesting and fun to play. The only reason why users might notice this, is in case the developers are using the free version of the engine, and thus unable to remove the Unity-branded splash screen upon app launch 😏