Ready, set, launch: a step-by-step guide to launching your hyper casual game

Getting ready to launch your game? Super exciting times! 🚀

The launch plan for an hyper casual game will depend on the specific goals and resources of the developer. That being said, there are a few key steps that are typically included in a launch plan for an hyper casual game.

Pre-launch marketing

Pre-launch marketing is the process of building anticipation and awareness around the game before it is released. This can be done through a variety of channels, such as social media, email marketing, influencer marketing, and advertising. The goal of pre-launch marketing is to create a strong foundation of players and to get as many people as possible interested in the game before it is released.

Main objectives: create buzz and anticipation around the game and to get as many people as possible interested in the game before it is released. This can be achieved by building a strong social media presence, securing press coverage, and engaging with influencers and other key stakeholders.

Soft launch

A soft launch is a limited release of the game in a specific region or on a specific platform. This allows developers to gather feedback, test the game's performance, and make any necessary adjustments before the full global launch. Soft launches are often conducted in smaller markets, such as Canada or Australia, where the player base is large enough to provide useful feedback but not so large that the game will be overwhelmed by demand.

Main objectives: gather feedback, test the game's performance, and make any necessary adjustments before the full global launch. This can be achieved by releasing the game in a limited region or on a specific platform and soliciting feedback from players through surveys, focus groups, and other methods.

Full global launch

Once the game is ready for a full global launch, it can be released on all desired platforms and in all desired regions. This is the point at which the game is available to the widest possible audience and is intended to generate the maximum amount of revenue and player engagement.

Main objectives: generate the maximum amount of revenue and player engagement. This can be achieved by releasing the game on all desired platforms and in all desired regions and by promoting the game through marketing and advertising efforts.

Post-launch support

After the game has been launched, it is important to continue supporting the game with updates, new content, and events in order to keep players engaged and to encourage long-term retention. This can include the addition of new levels, characters, gameplay modes, and other features. By keeping the game fresh and exciting, developers can encourage players to continue playing and spending money on in-app purchases.

Main objectives: keep players engaged and to encourage long-term retention. This can be achieved by regularly releasing updates, new content, and events and by providing customer support to address any issues or concerns that players may have.

It's worth noting that this is just a general outline, and the specific launch plan for an hyper casual game will depend on the specific goals and resources of the developer.

If you launch your game in the meantime, let us know! We're always looking forward to seeing and trying new games 😁